Mihir Tanwar Mihir Tanwar

No matter how ready you are in your head for getting into college but, you'll be anxious as soon as you get into one. New friends, new environment and a whole lot of freedom. One may feel homesick too when they get into a college, especially the ones shifting away from their family for the first time may miss their family and friends which are natural and happens to almost everyone at some point in their lives. 

What one should focus on should be making friends with some common interests as they'll be the ones who'll stay with you for the span of next 3-4 years and we all love to be surrounded by our friends especially in hostels. In college, you should concentrate on both, studies and curricular activities. As far as studies are concerned unlike as in schools, people have to study mostly on their own, life in a college makes you able to work in deadlines. Apart from studies one should, read news, attend seminars, visit the library, and take part in the happenings in the campus and so on. Life at any college can be busy and a bit hectic at times but it'll all get to normal (maybe in a semester). One has to wake up by 7 to make it to the morning class on time and has to keep up with the pace till 11 in the night. 

Apart from the hectic schedule people get to learn a lot, experience a bunch of new things and, let's face it, college life is one unforgettable journey and everyone remember theirs and cherish it. 

Mihir Tanwar

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Mihir Tanwar