Knowledge in Backend

Introduction to Operating Systems

Introduction to Operating Systems is a must study topic in all the IT related courses for students, IOS being a difficult topic to understand has been made easy and has been compiled into one ppt for notes and the main book which is recommended by almost every professor for studying IOS is provided. Do check out the notes and the book provided and get your IT game strong.

What is the difference between front end and back end development?

If you had started learning web development, this is the file that would really help you to learn some basics about frontend and backend development along with the differences between them.

AJAX: asynchronous javascript and XML

This powerpoint includes the basics of AJAX and how you send a http request and how we receive a http response the powerpoint is made keeping in mind the appropriate and apt points needed to develop a good webpage.

Admin Panel IN Django

This PDF contains Admin Panel notes of Django. Django has its own admin panel and this pdf will help you to understand admin panel completely.

Database(Model) in Django

This PDF will help to understand the database in Django . django has its own database panel.

Introduction to Django

This PDF is an Introduction to Django(Python Framework) for Web Development. This will help you to installation of Django and Python.

Dyanmic Web Pages With Django

This PDF is an Introduction to Dynamic Web Pages and How Yoou can Create dynamic web pages with Django.

Generics Views In Django

This PDF introduce you to the Generics Views in Djnago.

Non HTML Content in Django

This PDF is about Non Html Content in Django.

Session and User In Django

This PDF contains Theory and Codes of Session in Djnago and How to use sessions in django.

Template Engine IN django

This PDF is all about Template Engine in Django. You will Learn template engine in this pdf.

Template In Django(Python)

This PDF content notes of Templates in django. This is all about Template used in Django for Web Development.