These files are of Singnals and Systems.Signals and systems empowers you with the ability to take the challenge to get the job done. Most of the control theory you study in undergraduate courses is based upon linear systems. Contents present in these ppt's are prepared by experts.Contents are described clearly in each ppt and important topics from Signals and systems are discussed. it is a fundamental concept every electronics and communication engineer should posses. In communication engineering, concepts from signal and systems are extensively used, without it studying those concepts is inconceivable. Studying various modulation schemes without going to frequency domain would be real pain. Even for electrical and electronic systems, some of the concepts from signal are widely used in analog design, electrical machines etc. Main theme of signals and system course is to understand the behaviour of a system in presence of a signal. Fourier, Laplace and Z transformation are key concept here and most of the systems can be analysed using the same. Simply speaking it constitutes the alphabets of electronics and communication and you can’t write a letter without the knowledge of alphabets.These help you to have a clear overview of Signal and systems.