Knowledge in data structures and algorithms

doubly linked lists

In computer science, a doubly linked list is a linked data structure that consists of a set of sequentially linked records called nodes. Each node contains three fields: two link fields (references to the previous and to the next node in the sequence of nodes) and one data field.

Dynamic Programming - DSA notes

This pdf Contains notes on Topic Dynamic Programming - DSA notes . This is part of book DSA made easy.

Graphs Algorithms - DSA Notes

This pdf Contains notes on Topic Graphs Algorithms - DSA Notes . This is part of book DSA made easy.

IntroDuction to Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy

This pdf Contains notes on Topic IntroDuction to Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy . This is part of book DSA made easy.

Priority Queues and Heaps - DSA notes

This pdf Contains notes on Topic Priority Queues and Heaps - DSA notes. This is part of book DSA made easy.

Queues - DSA notes

This pdf Contains notes on Topic Queues - DSA notes. This is part of book DSA made easy.

Selection Algorithms - DSA notes

This pdf Contains notes on Topic Selection Algorithms - DSA notes. This is part of book DSA made easy.

Sorting - DSA notes

This pdf Contains notes on Topic Sorting - DSA notes . This is part of book DSA made easy.

Symbol Tables - DSA notes

This pdf Contains notes on Topic Symbol Tables - DSA notes. This is part of book DSA made easy.

Trees - DSA notes

This pdf Contains notes on Topic Trees - DSA notes. This is part of book DSA made easy.