Knowledge in Internal

Introduction to Operating Systems

Introduction to Operating Systems is a must study topic in all the IT related courses for students, IOS being a difficult topic to understand has been made easy and has been compiled into one ppt for notes and the main book which is recommended by almost every professor for studying IOS is provided. Do check out the notes and the book provided and get your IT game strong.

Thermal Physics Internal, II semester

Internal Paper for Thermal Physics. Solving these questions can be really helpful for your exam preparation and a revision of concepts

Thermal Physics Internal (2), II semester

Attached document contains internal for thermal physics which is very helpful for practice. Also, it has really nice question thus helping in revision

Mathematical Physics

Attached document contains internal question paper of mathematical physics. Solving these question can be really helpful for your exam preparation and a revision of concepts

Digital Electronics III sem

Attached document contains internal question paper of digital electronics for third semester. Solving these questions can be really helpful for your exam preparation and a revision of concept