Knowledge in Introduction To Machine Learning

Introduction To Machine Learning

Lecture 01: Introduction Lecture 02: Different Types of Learning Lecture 03: Hypothesis Space and Inductive Bias

Regression Models in Machine Learning

Regression model estimates the nature of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Change in dependent variables that results from changes in independent variables, ie. size of the relationship. Strength of the relationship. Statistical significance of the relationship.

Classification errors, regularization, logistic regression

Classification errors, regularization, logistic regression

Active learning (cont.), non-linear predictions, kernals

Active learning (cont.), non-linear predictions, kernals

Kernal regression and kernels

Kernal regression and kernels of machine learning

Model selection

Model selection in machine learning

Model selection criteria

Model selection criteria in machine learning

Machine learning with Python

Syllabus for Machine Learning with Python Programming Language

Machine learning syllabus

Syllabus of Machine Learning

Implementation of transfer learning

This file contains information of implementation learning and focusses on improving the knowledge in the area of machine learning. The file is equiped with basics of convolution neural network and artificial intelligence as well.