Knowledge in Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Inverse Trigonometric Functions (Theory Notes)

The inverse trigonometric functions perform the opposite operations that the sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent perform. They are used to find the measure of an angle in a right triangle when two of the three side lengths are known.

Trigonometric Functions NCERT Notes

A function of an angle expressed as the ratio of two of the sides of a right triangle that contains that angle; the sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, or cosecant. Also called circular function.

Inverse of an Element

This file gives us complete details about the Inverse of elements. The concept is explained properly along with diagrams. The inverse of functions is explained along with examples for proper understanding.

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

This file gives us a complete description of the inverse trigonometric functions which is of utmost importance in the field of mathematics. The graphs of trigonometric functions are discussed.

Relation between Graphs of function and its reverse

This file gives us complete knowledge about the relationship between graphs of functions and its reverse. The relation is explained with graphs and also examples are given.