Knowledge in Metaphysics

Engineering physics chapter 1 interfrence 3

In this pdf their is full knowledge of engineering physics chapter 1 interference with important terms.

Incandescent Light Bulb

An incandescent light bulb, incandescent lamp or incandescent light globe is an electric light with a wire filament heated to such a high temperature that it glows with visible light (incandescence). The filament is protected from oxidation with a glass or fused quartz bulb that is filled with inert gas or a vacuum. In a halogen lamp, filament evaporation is slowed by a chemical process that redeposits metal onto the filament, thereby extending its life.


Relativity is the most difficult and confusing chapter ever in Physics. Derivations, concepts and some brain satisfying examples make the chapter somewhat easy. Will help a lot in understanding and will fetch a lot marks in exams. Used by toppers of our college, all the best for your first year.

Relativity Notes

Relativity is the most difficult and confusing chapter ever in Physics. Derivations, concepts and some brain satisfying examples make the chapter somewhat easy. Will help a lot in understanding and will fetch a lot marks in exams. Used by toppers of our college, all the best for your first year.

Waves & Particle Properties of Matter

Waves is the most difficult and confusing chapter ever in Physics. Derivations, concepts and some brain satisfying examples make the chapter somewhat easy. Will help a lot in understanding and will fetch a lot marks in exams. Used by toppers of our college, all the best for your first year.

Relativity Derivations

Relativity is the most difficult and confusing chapter ever in Physics. Derivations, concepts and some brain satisfying examples make the chapter somewhat easy. Will help a lot in understanding and will fetch a lot marks in exams. Used by toppers of our college, all the best for your first year.

Lorentz Transformation

Lorentz Transformation is the most difficult and confusing chapter ever in Physics. Derivations, concepts and some brain satisfying examples make the chapter somewhat easy. Will help a lot in understanding and will fetch a lot marks in exams. Used by toppers of our college, all the best for your first year.


A sextant is a doubly reflecting navigation instrument that measures the angular distance between two visible objects. The primary use of a sextant is to measure the angle between an astronomical object and the horizon for the purposes of celestial navigation.

Archimedes Screw

The water screw, popularly known as the Archimedes' screw and also known as the screw pump, Archimedean screw, or Egyptian screw, is a machine used for transferring water from a low-lying body of water into irrigation ditches. Water is pumped by turning a screw-shaped surface inside a pipe.


A pulley is a wheel with a groove along its edge, that holds a rope or cable. Usually, two or more pulleys are used together. When pulleys are used together in this way, they reduce the amount of force needed to lift a load. A crane uses pulleys to help it lift heavy loads.

Flying Kite

A kite is a tethered heavier-than-air craft with wing surfaces that react against the air to create lift and drag. A kite consists of wings, tethers and anchors. Kites often have a bridle and tail to guide the face of the kite so the wind can lift it

Crane Machine

A crane is a type of machine, generally equipped with a hoist rope, wire ropes or chains, and sheaves, that can be used both to lift and lower materials and to move them horizontally. It is mainly used for lifting heavy things and transporting them to other places