Knowledge in Microbiology

Cell Structure and Functions of Animal and Plant cell

Plant cells have chloroplasts, a cell wall and a central vacuole. Animal cells lack these three organelles. ... Each organelle has it's own specific function to help the cell survive. The nucleus of a eukaryotic cell directs the cell's activities and stores DNA.


The practice of developing sustainable human technologies inspired by nature. Sometimes called Biomimetics or Bionics, it's basically biologically inspired engineering

Bionic Eye

A visual prosthesis often referred to as a bionic eye, is an experimental visual device intended to restore functional vision in those suffering from partial or total blindness.


A biomolecule or biological molecule is a loosely used term for molecules and ions present in organisms that are essential to one or more typically biological processes, such as cell division, morphogenesis, or development.


A device which uses a living organism or biological molecules, especially enzymes or antibodies, to detect the presence of chemicals.

Bio-fluids: Blood-Mechanical systems of the heart, Blood pressure

Biofluid: A biological fluid. Biofluids can be excreted (such as urine or sweat), secreted (such as breast milk or bile), obtained with a needle (such as blood or cerebrospinal fluid), or develop as a result of a pathological process (such as (such as a blister or cyst fluid).

Biological Rhythms

Biological rhythms are the natural cycle of change in our body's chemicals or functions. It's like an internal master “clock” that coordinates the other clocks in your body


Catabolism is the set of metabolic pathways that breaks down molecules into smaller units that are either oxidized to release energy or used in other anabolic reactions.


A brief note of immunology for biotech students and for those preparing for various examination


A study material over Enzymes, including enzyme function , enzyme binding mechanism and enzyme - kinetics


This pdf is the complete information about the basic of anatomical terms needed for every medical student. It deals with all the important terms of Anatomy which includes terms like medial, lateral, adduction, abduction etc . The diagrams and charts present in this pdf will help the individual understand the topic more easily.It will help the student to score better in exams n have a good understanding of the topic.


This pdf is the complete information about the basic of anterior compartment of arm and cubital fossa needed for every medical student. It deals with all the important topics of anterior compartment of arm and cubital fossa which includes its contents, types and position of muscles etc . The diagrams and charts present in this pdf will help the individual understand the topic more easily.It will help the student to score better in exams n have a good understanding of the topic.