Knowledge in Operating system

operating system.

This pdf file containing the knowledge about the topic operating system.

Question paper of advance operating system

This file contains a question paper of the subject advance operating system. This subject is taught in the seventh semester of bachelor of engineering in the computer technology department. The question paper can also be used by the students of information technology students and the students of computer science and engineering.

Question paper of advance operating system

This file contains a question paper of the subject artificial intelligence. This subject is taught in the seventh semester of bachelor of engineering in the computer technology department. The question paper can also be used by the students of information technology students and the students of computer science and engineering.

Question paper of advance operating system

This file contains a question paper of the subject advance operating system. This subject is taught in the seventh semester of bachelor of engineering in the computer technology department. The question paper can also be used by the students of information technology students and the students of computer science and engineering.

Question paper of advance operating system

This file contains a question paper of the subject advance operating system. This subject is taught in the seventh semester of bachelor of engineering in the computer technology department. The question paper can also be used by the students of information technology students and the students of computer science and engineering.

Presentation on Operating System

An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language.

The Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model)

This file contains all about The Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model). It's principles, features, functions of different layers, etc.

Operating system Question Paper

This file contains Question Paper of Operating System Of BCA 2nd Semester.

Basic commands of DOS operating system.

This file contains all about basic of of MS- DOS.

Multi programming and multi processing systems

Here there is lot of difference between multi programming and multi processing operating system, multi programming is one program waits for for I/o transfer ,another program is ready to utilize the CPU. Here many processes shares the time of CPU . Multi processor has 3main advantages. 1. Increase throughput 2. Economy of scale 3.increased reliability. In detail we can know from the diagrams of that pictures.

Time sharing operating systems

Time sharing OS is nothing but many users at different terminals can access the same computer system at the same time. It gives the quick response. It avoids the duplication of software. It reduces the CPU idle time. The main disadvantages of time sharing OS is the problem . Question of security and integrity of users programs and data. And also the problem of data communication. The main objective of time sharing OS is to minimize the response time.

Client-server computing system

Clients requests a resource and the server provides that resource . A server may have many clients but one client should be in contact with only one server. There are many advantages of client operating system . All the required data is concentrated in a single place. I.e, the sever . It is easy to replace ,upgrade,relocate the nodes in the client server model. Here network acts as an intermediate between the client and server.