Knowledge in Computer Science

Computer Organization and Architecture:The complete reference

Computer Organization and Architecture is the study of internal working, structuring and implementation of a computer system. Architecture in computer system, same as anywhere else, refers to the externally visual attributes of the system.The content provides a self explanatory insight on the subject.primarily for students of 2nd year.

Database Management Systems:The complete reference

A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and managing databases. The DBMS provides users and programmers with a systematic way to create, retrieve, update and manage data.The content provides a self explanatory insight on the subject.primarily for students of 2nd year.

Software Engineering

Learn about the various topics required for good understanding and knowledge of Software Engineering. All materials are from KIIT School of Computer Engineering

Database Management System

Information on basic topics of Database Management System including Programs on MySQL, RDBMS, Entity Relationship model,etc

Double Ended Queue

# include<stdio.h> #include<process.h> #define MAX 30 typedef struct dequeue { int data[MAX]; int rear,front; }dequeue; void initialize(dequeue *p); int empty(dequeue *p); int full(dequeue *p); void enqueueR(dequeue *p,int x); void enqueueF(dequeue *p,int x); int dequeueF(dequeue *p); int dequeueR(dequeue *p); void print(dequeue *p); void main() { int i,x,op,n; dequeue q; initialize(&q); do { printf("\n1.Create\n2.Insert(rear)\n3.Insert(front)\n4.Delete(rear)\n5.Delete(front)"); printf("\n6.Print\n7.Exit\n\nEnter your choice:"); scanf("%d",&op); switch(op) { case 1: printf("\nEnter number of elements:"); scanf("%d",&n); initialize(&q); printf("\nEnter the data:"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&x); if(full(&q)) { printf("\nQueue is full!!"); exit(0); } enqueueR(&q,x); } break; case 2: printf("\nEnter element to be inserted:"); scanf("%d",&x); if(full(&q)) { printf("\nQueue is full!!"); exit(0); } enqueueR(&q,x); break; case 3: printf("\nEnter the element to be inserted:"); scanf("%d",&x); if(full(&q)) { printf("\nQueue is full!!"); exit(0); } enqueueF(&q,x); break; case 4: if(empty(&q)) { printf("\nQueue is empty!!"); exit(0); } x=dequeueR(&q); printf("\nElement deleted is %d\n",x); break; case 5: if(empty(&q)) { printf("\nQueue is empty!!"); exit(0); } x=dequeueF(&q); printf("\nElement deleted is %d\n",x); break; case 6: print(&q); break; default: break; } }while(op!=7); } void initialize(dequeue *P) { P->rear=-1; P->front=-1; } int empty(dequeue *P) { if(P->rear==-1) return(1); return(0); } int full(dequeue *P) { if((P->rear+1)%MAX==P->front) return(1); return(0); } void enqueueR(dequeue *P,int x) { if(empty(P)) { P->rear=0; P->front=0; P->data[0]=x; } else { P->rear=(P->rear+1)%MAX; P->data[P->rear]=x; } } void enqueueF(dequeue *P,int x) { if(empty(P)) { P->rear=0; P->front=0; P->data[0]=x; } else { P->front=(P->front-1+MAX)%MAX; P->data[P->front]=x; } } int dequeueF(dequeue *P) { int x; x=P->data[P->front]; if(P->rear==P->front) //delete the last element initialize(P); else P->front=(P->front+1)%MAX; return(x); } int dequeueR(dequeue *P) { int x; x=P->data[P->rear]; if(P->rear==P->front) initialize(P); else P->rear=(P->rear-1+MAX)%MAX; return(x); } void print(dequeue *P) { if(empty(P)) { printf("\nQueue is empty!!"); exit(0); } int i; i=P->front; while(i!=P->rear) { printf("\n%d",P->data[i]); i=(i+1)%MAX; } printf("\n%d\n",P->data[P->rear]); }

Operating System (5th semester)

This pdf contains notes for 3rd year (5th sem) subject operating system

Big Data Sample Questions for 2019 End Semester Examinations

Sample question to practice for Big Data for 6th Semester, End Semester Exams, for KIIT deemed to be University

Distributed Operating Systems

Notes on Distributed Operating System for 6th Semester, Computer Science and Systems Engineering, KIIT deemed to be University

R programming basic concepts and theories with examples and programs

Basic concepts of R- programming along with sample programs and important theories for 6th Semester, End semester Exams for KIIT deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar.

Networking(Data Communication)

This well defined notes, is about Data Communication which comes under Computer Network, covers the knowledge about what actually is data communication and fields related to it like protocols, network topologies etc.

Computer Grapics

These are the attached ppts and pdfs of Computer Graphics.

Programming in C

Basic programming in c