ANKIT Srivastava

Cheerful and upbeat

Student at KIIT

Introduction To Corona

The documents includes topics related to phenomena of corona .etc . #KIIT

Engineers as Managers, Ethical dilemmas and more..

sharing the notes relating to the course mehanical and subject is Organisational Behavior. The document attached below in the knowledge includes topics such as Synopsis, cases, contexts, etc. #KIIT

Power Station Engineering

Given below are the notes for electronics students, studying the subject tele communication. The document includes POWER STATION ENGINEERING ASSIGNMENT. #KIIT

Ferranti Effect

Below attached are the notes for the course electronics, subject (Tele)Communications. The document below contains information about Ferranti Effect. #KIIT

Surge Impedance

Below attached are the notes for the course electronics, subject (Tele)Communications. The document below contains information about Surge Impedance. #KIIT