Final Project on Twitter Analysis

Final Project on Twitter Analysis using R Data Mining, Data Cleaning and Analysis

Consumer involvement

Consumer involvement Involvement is a person’s perceived  relevance of the object based on their inherent needs, values and interests. Involvement reflects our level of motivation to process information. As our level of involvement with product increases, we devote more attention to ads related to the product, exert more cognitive effort to understand the ads, and focus more attention on product related information in the ads.

R Language Coding

R Language Coding Syntax, Libraries Used Using RStudio

Family and Reference Groups Influences

Family and Reference Groups Influences- How to apply these concepts in Selling Strategy?

Sentiment Analysis using R

Sentiment Analysis using R Twitter Analysis

Personality & Self Concept

Personality reflects individual differences Personality is consistent and enduring Personality can change

Book On Data Mining

Zhao R and Data Mining Book

Learning and Memory in consumer Insights

Nature of learning Learning theories Marketing applications of learning