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current affairs pdf in hindi - November 1st week (2019)

Download current affairs pdf in hindi - November 1st week (2019)

Induction motor

It says what is an induction motor and how it works and the other one says about electric drive.

Statistical Methods (III semester)

Attached document contains previous year paper of Statistical methods in economics for B.A. Economics (hons.) by Delhi University

Electric Circuit Analysis

In an electrical circuit the process of studying and analyzing the various electrical quantities involved, especially the nodal voltages and currents through calculations, is known as circuit analysis.

DC And AC Machine Notes

A.C. motors are powered from alternating current (A.C.) while D.C. motors are powered from direct current (D.C.), such as batteries, D.C. power supplies or an AC-to-DC power converter. ... A.C. induction motors do not use brushes; they are very rugged and have long life expectancies

CONSTRUCTION management in practice

CONSTRUCTION management in practice contents CONSTRUCTION management in practice Strategic management Strategic system Industrial relations Health and safety in Constructions Management of budget Finance

Nervous system in Humans

This  material will helps in preparing for the candidates appearing for the Competetive exams that includes UPSC,SSC,State service examinations and as well as the documentary materials for the Class 12 th students  especially the topic deals with the nervous system in humans  This document makes the readers easily understandable about the concepts and the reviews of NCERT  Biology with a diagramatic explanation. 

Adversial Search in Artificial Intelligence

Adversial search in Artificial Intelligence with game representation is described here

CPU Management in Operating Systems

CPU Management in Operating Systems with FCFS and SJF as examples

Power metallurgy - engineering first year

Detailed and informative notes on topic metallurgy. Informative and useful for exams. Explained topics with ease

Rails 4 in action

This is a book 'Rails 4 in action' written by Ryan Bigg, Yahuda Katz, Steve Klabnik in a pdf format. Useful for students of Computer Science, studying Pragramming.Topics included are Ruby on Rails Overview, Benefits, Cascading Style Sheets, etc.

Engineering Mathematics - 1

the pdf contains notes for engineering mathematics 1 common for all branches


Study of sintering properties of powders of different sizes using heat treatment

Complex Number From A to Z by Titu Andreescu and Dorin Andrica

In the first semester of B.Sc honors Mathematics at Delhi University, you are going to study Algebra and Calculus as your core subjects. Algebra is further divided into sections like Complex Number, Liner Algebra. For the complex number I am sharing with you the most preferred book "Complex Number From A to Z by Titu Andreescu and Dorin Andrica" . The book is preferred in the syllabus given to math honors students of 1st semester.

BEEE -Chapter- 2.2

First and foremost difference ECE is electronics and communication engineering while eee is electrical and electronics engineering. EEE: In EEE, students have to study Electrical as well as Electronics