Knowledge in Business Intelligence and Analytics

GTM Strategy

GTM Strategy- How to formulate it?

Robinson, Faris and Wind model

Robinson, Faris and Wind model Robinson, Faris and Wind model is one of the earliest and most widely used models in categorizing and explaining organizational buyer behaviour. The model suggests that the organizational buying process is a set of stages (called buy phases) which may vary depending on buying situation (called classes) the particular buying firm is facing. The model views organizational buying behaviour as depending on the amount of information sought, the amount of experience the buyer has with product class and the time spent. A cross-tabulation of the buy phases with the buy classes creates a buy-Grid-framework.

R - Data Science Assignment

Assignment on basic concepts of R programming language

Matrix creation in R language

The data sheet talks about how to create matrixes in R programming language. The script can be accessed via R Studio.

List creation in R

The script includes codes of how to create List in R programming language. It can be accessed via R Studio.

Reliance Fresh

Working of Reliance Fresh

Service Sector

Service Sector companies in India


How to perform Clustering using Excel and R

Filtering Using R

basic concepts of Filtering, its usage, implications and implementation