Knowledge in Business Intelligence and Analytics

Consumer involvement

Consumer involvement Involvement is a person’s perceived  relevance of the object based on their inherent needs, values and interests. Involvement reflects our level of motivation to process information. As our level of involvement with product increases, we devote more attention to ads related to the product, exert more cognitive effort to understand the ads, and focus more attention on product related information in the ads.

What is Motivation?

What is Motivation? Nature and theories of Motivation Marketing applications of Motivation

Perception in Consumer Behaviour

Perception is defined as: The process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world. Perception is a process whereby sensory cues and relevant past experiences are organized to give us the most structured, meaningful picture possible under the circumstances. Perception is never just point-for-point representation of the stimulus field but includes objects, relationships, and points of special focus. Often, in fact, parts of stimulus field are ignored, distorted, exaggerated, or otherwise changed to make a more stable and meaningful whole.     ¨

HR Analytics

HR Analytics- Tools and Techniques used

R Language Coding

R Language Coding Syntax, Libraries Used Using RStudio

Decsion and Analysis on Optimal Bid

Optimal Bidding- Definition, Process to be followed, Applications

Family and Reference Groups Influences

Family and Reference Groups Influences- How to apply these concepts in Selling Strategy?

Business Anaytics, Retail Analytics

Business Anaytics, Retail Analytics, Layout Design, Market Basket Analysis

Decsion Tree and Classification Analysis

DEcsion Tree and Classification Analysis- Exapmles

Recommender System

Recommender System- Definitions and examples

Word Cloud using R

Word Cloud using R Text Analysis Libraries Used

Sentiment Analysis using R

Sentiment Analysis using R Twitter Analysis