Knowledge in Programming

The C Programming Language

CoEP Year 2nd Dept Comp The C Programming Language


CoEP Year 2nd Dept Comp JAVA LOGICS

Hazards:situation in computer system

This document contains the concept of Hazards .The concept of structural hazard and how to control it.

Think like a programmer book by V. Anton Spraul

Pdf of the book Think like a programmer-An introduction to creative problem solving by V. Anton Spraul.

How to solve by Computer - R. G. Droomey

Pdf of the book How to solve by Computer - R. G. Droomey. It contains explaination of various important algorithms used in data structures.

Let Us C by Yashwant P. Kanetkar

Pdf of the book LET US C (5th Edition) - by Yashwant P. Kanetkar  For C language programmers. It is must to master the complexity of the language to deal with programming software in engineering, gaming and other fields. In order to understand each concept of the C language, it is necessary to follow a good reference book in easy-to-understand text. It covers various topics that could be easily understood with the help of examples given with each programming concept. Besides, the book also features several descriptive details about console input, C preprocessor, arrays, functions, strings and pointers. Explained in comprehensive manner, the book aims to provide more brief information to all C programming beginners as well as established programmers.

Programming for Engineers by Aaron R. Bradley

pdf of book Programming for Engineers by Aaron R. Bradley.

The C Programming Language by Kernighan & Ritchie

This is the pdf of the C programming language(Second Edition) book by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. A must read bok to learn C programming Language and covers all topic of C programming. Best suitable for the person who have a brief knowledge and wants to learn C programming more efficiently.

interview question of java

interview question of java

automata unit 1

automata by seema garg

ada sample paper

ada sample paper till 2015 of mdu

Compiler design