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Ce: U4 part 4

Gram schmidt ortho

Microbiology Star college lecture by Dr AKSharan

Microbiology Star college lecture by Dr AKSharan

linear variable differential transformer (LVDT)

THE linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is one of the position sensors most used in harsh environments, such as industrial plants, nuclear plants, and particle accelerators, thanks to contactless sensing, good linearity, virtually infinite resolution, low temperature sensitivity, robustness, and easy-to-implement radiation hardness . As an example, LVDT sensors have been selected for the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) collimators, where integrated doses of up to a few MGray per year are expected .

Evolution o Political structure.

Evolution of Political Structures in North India.

SRM CSE Sylabuss

Computer Science entire Syllabus for Btech.

Engineering chemistry-Energy Sciences

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and programs related to engineering chemistry regarding energy Sciences.You will be able to learn how to use in daily life

Structure and function of phytocores

These are the notes by teachers of Due. Refer to them for best results.

Rieman Integration

Rieman Integration is a difficult and confusing chapter ever in Maths. Derivations, concepts and some brain satisfying examples make the chapter somewhat easy. Will help a lot in understanding and will fetch a lot marks in exams. Used by toppers of our college, all the best for your first year.

Myocardial Infarction (heart)

Thsi document contains important content related to Myocardial Infarction (heart),Myocardial Infarction is a heart disease

Communication Engineering

Experiment4 communication Engineering

Concept of reverberation

Accurate and appropriate data, printed study material. Concept of reverberation


Hindalco assignment


Wastewater treatment is a process used to remove contaminants from wastewater or sewage and convert it into an effluent that can be returned to the water cycle with minimum impact on the environment, or directly reused. The latter is called water reclamation because treated wastewater can be used for other purposes. The treatment process takes place in a wastewater treatment plant, often referred to as a Water Resource Recovery Facility or a Sewage Treatment Plant. Pollutants in municipal wastewater are removed or broken down.


Differences between capital and revenue expenditure.

Organizational Behaviour - Stress

Organizational Behaviour - Stress

The global transformations reader

An introduction to the Globalisation Debate-polity