Knowledges in Electronics

Choose your interests from a vast range of topics

DTFS signal and systems

The topic discussed in the attatchments below is of the course electronics and subject signal processing. The content in the documents below comprises of topics such as linearity, time shifting, time reversal, conjugation, conjugation symmetry, etc.

Fundamentals Of Power Systems

Sharing notes relating to the course electronics and major topic of control systems. The documents attatched below in the knowledge includes information and introduction to the topic Fundamentals Of Power Systems. #KIIT University

Asynchronous Sequential Logic

The topic discussed in the attatchments below is of the course electronics and subject- computer configuration. The content in the documents below comprises of the topics Analysis Procedure, Circuits with Latches, Design Procedure, Reduction of State and Flow Tables, Race-Free State Assignment, etc.

Arduino Code for interfacing Buzzer with Arduino

Arduino Code for interfacing Buzzer with Arduino

DSO instruction manual

The topic discussed in the attatchments below is of the course computer science and he subject data mining. The content in the documents below comprises of topics such as power cord, power source, security loop, voltage probe check wizard, etc.

Convolution theorem

1.Convolution theorem (a)Time convolution theorem (b)Frequency convolution theorem 2.parseval's theorem or Rayleigh's theorem

CTFT signals and system

CTFT definition,properties,solved examples for a clear knowledge of the topic for sem 3 electronics notes by Mr Tajendar sir

Bridge rectifier

Bridge rectifier Merits & demerits of full wave rectifier over half wave rectifier

Arduino Code for Bidirectional Movement of DC Moto

Arduino Code for Bidirectional Movement of DC Moto

Signal and systems tutorial sheet number 2

Tutorial sheet 2 by Mr Tajendar sir.Contains important questions for practice and revision during end sem

Nptel IOT lectures Week 5

This is the continuation of the week 5 of lecture material from the nptel course of Internet of Things

Numericals of control system

Numericals based on transfer function and their properties .