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This PDF consist of notes of FINITE AUTOMATA in TOC with brief explanation and example, which will be helpful in semester and gate exam.

Comer Computer Networks and Internals 5th ed

Comer Computer Networks and Internals 5th ed

Neamen's Book of Semiconductor

This is a perfect book to understand the core concepts of the topic of semiconductors.

Computer Graphics-Video display devices

Here we learn about some of the concepts of Computer Graphics : Video display devices Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Horizontal deflection and vertical deflection direct the electron beam to any point on the screen Intensity knob: regulates the flow of electrons by controlling the voltage at the control grid (high voltage reduces the electron density and thus brightness) Accelerating voltage from positive coating inside screen (anode screen) or an accelerating anode Image maintenance

Lab 7

Given below are the notes for electronics as a course and subject is (Tele)Communications.The conent attatched below includes pictures of lab files that are handwritten. #KIIT

Raspberry Pi and the Robotics

The document is a complete guide to work on the raspberry pi which is a microprocessor and it ensures the development of the various complicated robotics projects and ensures the product development.

Applications and purpose of dbms

Contents covered in this ppt regarding database Management systems.In this ppt there is detailed information of applications and purposes of dbms with concepts .

Database management system practical file IPU

This document contains the dbms file which contains the lab practicals for the the same subject. It is helpful for ipu students of the year 2nd

Biomechanics: principles and applications

Biomechanics is a comprehensive presentation of the current principles and applications of biomechanics integrating both systems and subsystems models.

Business Law Notes

This pdf contains notes of Business Laws.

Dotnet IMP que.

this is word file of Dotnet IMPquestions for gtu exam...

Communication skills-Introduction

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and examples related to Communication skills regarding introduction .You will be able to learn how to use in daily life.

Discrete mathematics- sets and logic theory

In this PDF there is concepts and practice questions related to discrete Mathematics regarding sets and logic theory .You will be able to practice and solve problems easily.

Books of Java


Walkathon at Khelgaon

Walkathon at Khelgaon which was organised on the Rastriya Ekta Diwas, 31 October 2018. It was a Run For Unity. Director Sir alongiwth the administrative staff and students participated with enthusiasm in this event.

Drugs related to ANS

This contains condition which involves autonomic nervous system. The drugs given in various condition with its dosage.