Knowledges in Computer Science

Choose your interests from a vast range of topics

Let Us C with Solution

Are you keen to learn? available is the world famous Programming language "C" by the famous indian writer "yashwant kanetkar". Attached document is a book 'Let us C', fifth edition. The content includes topics such as The Decision Control Structure, The Loop Control Structure, The Case Control Structure, Functions & Pointers, Data Types Revisited, etc.

Hacking Books

We provide you with the best Ethical Hacking Books Collection. The attatchment includes topics such as 501 websites secrets, a beginners guide for hacking, Infrastructure Hacking, Application and Data Hacking, etc. Read them and become a Famous Ethical Hacker

SRM University notes fourth semester

SRM university notes available of the subject computer science, useful for students of fourth semester. Can be utilized by studets for future preparation and revision purpose. The notes are provided in english language, including topics such as MODULAR PROGRAMMING, Advantages of Modular Programming, The Assembler and Linker, etc. #SRMuniversity

IP University- 7th Sem Notes(CS &IT)

Notes relating to, semester- 7th, Subjects discussed - Advanced Computer Networks(ACN), Information Security(IS), Software Testing & Quality(STQA), Wireless Communication(WCOM), Natural Language Processing(NLP), Advanced Database Management Systems(ADBMS) #ipuniversity

SRM University 4th semester notes CSE

CSE relevant notes available in the below attatched Pdf's. Detailed notes by SRM university for 4th semester students, computer science. Topics included and discussed are Data Addressing Modes, Addressing Modes like Register Addressing, Immediate Addressing, Direct Addressing, Register Indirect Addressing, etc. Refer to the attatchments for the same. #SRMuniversity

Python Basics

The below attatched pdf has all the information relevant about pythons .The attatchment includes contents such as ITS VARIOUS FUNCTIONS, TULIPS, DICTIONARIES,ERRORS AND EXCEPTIONS, OS PATHS, OPERATORS, STRINGS ETC.

Software Engineering Pressman Book,Notes in PDF and PPT

Available informative documents regarding software Engineering pressman. Attatched are the hindi notes of the subject Software Engineering. Explaining what is software, who does it, what is the importance,what is the work product,etc.

Data Mining

The topic discussed in the attatchments below is of the course computer science and he subject data mining. The content in the documents below comprises of topics such as Data Cleaning, Data mining, Data Reduction, Data Transformation, Discretization, etc.

SRM University 6th sem notes

SRM university notes available of the subject computer science, useful for students of fourth semester. Can be utilized by studets for future preparation and revision purpose. The notes are provided in english language, including topics such as TOC PREVIOUS YEARS, biomass energy, wind energy, OTEC, etc. #SRMuniversity

Operating Systems- IP University

Notes relating to the subject computer science, software engineering. Relevant and helpful Explainations provided with every chapter of the sub topic i.e operating systems. Chapters include specifics such as Process Management, Memory Management, Storage Management, Protection and Security, Kernel Data Structures, Computing Environments, etc. #IPuniversity

Modern Networking

Here, I upload the notes of Modern Networking chapterwise of Computer Networks. #ModernNetworking#ComputerNetworks#FreeNotes

Data Communication Networks

Attatchments include notes from lectures of Data Communication Networks which helps you understand computer networks more. For sudents of computer science, studying subject computer networks.These include topics such as Data Link Layer (DLC), Character Based Framing, Issues With Character Based Framing, etc.