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Service Oriented Computing S-2019

this is the exam paper of sem 7 Service Oriented Computing...

Pavement dwellers

Accurate and appropriate data , printed study material. Pavement dwellers.


This file contains notes on punctuation marks taught in the subject English. Students varying from class 10 to graduation and masters level can follow this documents of the particular topic of discussion.

Technique of Presentation Delivery

Techniques of DeliveryHargie et al (2004, p. 72) outline a number of features of effective deliveries, summarised as follows:•   Use appropriate language and avoid jargon. If the audience do not understand most of what is being talked about, they will become detached.•   Be suitably paced. Inexperienced speakers have a habit of speaking too quickly. On the other hand, speaking too slowly is a recipe for boredom. Where speed of delivery may be a particular concern, think about placing an accomplice in the audience primed to signal when you get too slow or too quick.•   Use visual aids without placing them centre stage. Even the best of these are only aids to assist the speaker.•   Make use of sub-summaries, signposts and links. Pause at transitional points in the flow of ideas to briefly summarize the material covered. Explaininghow this ‘chunk’ of information links with what comes next helps to signpost the path through the presentation and increases its coherence.•   Emphasize key points verbally, non-verbally and vocally. Emphasize verbally through listing key points (e.g. ‘It is vital that you recognise…’), repeating core elements etc; non-verbally (e.g. Gestures, changes in posture, position); and vocally (e.g. Altering volume, speed of delivery, tone of voice).•   Be verbally fluent. Effective public speakers do not have to be word perfect. Nevertheless, lots of ‘umms’ ‘ahhhhs’ and other fillers such as ‘you know’ can be highly distracting.•   Be concrete and precise, rather than appearing vague and indefinite.•   Be varied, e.g. intersperse talk with graphs, slides or pieces of video that the audience can look at as a break from listening. If appropriate, encourage some discussion or ask the audience to work on a brief exercise.•   Include carefully chosen examples – as a bridge between what the listener knows and is familiar with and the new material being introduced.•   Avoid distractions, e.g. pacing around, playing with a pen or pointer, over use of certain stock phrases. Gain control of body language.•   Seem natural and not contrived. This can take some time and practice.•    Rehearse what is going to be said.

The kingship

The attachment discusses about the mentioned topic.

Python Programming - Lists

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and programs related to python Programming regarding lists .You will be able to learn how to use in daily life.

Corporate diversification strategies and competitive advantages of global business diversificatiin

Corporate diversification and advantage of diversification in global business.

IMN-06-Advanced Wastwewater Treatment Technologies

IMN-06-Advanced Wastwewater Treatment Technologies

Presentation on HTML (Cover All Topics)

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is used to make webpages. It describes the structure of WEBPAGE and tell the browser that how the content is to be displayed. List of Topics in HTML :- 1. Introduction 2. Tags 3. Comments 4. Attributes 5. List & it's types. 6. HTML Tables 7. HTML Class 8. HTML ID 9. HTML Forms 10. HTML Images 11. HTML Links. and many more.

Engineering Chemistry notes

Contains total notes of Engineering Chemistry notes of R15 regulation of Btech students.

Interfence PPT for engineering (1st year)

It contains a ppt which will help you to get knowledge about Interference which you will require in your first year of B.Tech.

Maruti Suzuki - Financial Ratios

Maruti Suzuki - Financial Ratios


array full


These are the notes by teachers of Du. Refer to them for best results.

design of concrete structure

design of development length , bond stress and anchorage


Encapsulation is wrapping up off the data and making it into a single entity.