Knowledges in Management

Choose your interests from a vast range of topics

Functioning of financial vehicles

Functioning of financial vehicles. Must read class notes and reference material.

Lean startuo management

Given is the syllabus for students of management and subject Entrepreneurship. The syllabus is related and designed to learn start-up management.#VIT Chennai

Corporate Social Responsibility

Ethis in Corporate Social Responsibility

Applying Virtue Ethics to Business- The Agent-Base

Available below are the notes for the course management and subject Organisational Behavior. The topics discussed in the document attatched below are Applying virtue ethics to business: The agent-based approach, Virtue Ethics: An Overview, Virtuous behavior: Practical Rationality, Acid-Test: Derivatives Trading, etc.

Green HRM

Green HRM Green HRM refers to the use of HRM policies which promotes sustainability. Green HRM  was defined as a term almost 10 years back by Renwick, D.W.S. Redman, T. and Maguire S as " the integration of corporate environmental management into human resource management ".

Decsion Tree and Classification Analysis

DEcsion Tree and Classification Analysis- Exapmles

Managing Organizations - L&T

Report on Managing Organization (L&T)



Industrial Marketing

Industrial Marketing and Service Marketing