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Vegetable oils

Is oil healthy or unhealthy? If you’re like most people, your answer will be unhealthy. We associate oil with fat, and worry that it will make us gain weight. We think that too much oil can cause all sorts of harmful diseases. That’s somewhat true, but it doesn’t give us the full story. Most of the negative views we have around oil are based on highly-processed vegetable oils, which are often used in fast food, restaurants, and convenience foods. While these vegetable oils can be bad for you, they’re not the only options. Wait…what’s wrong with vegetable oil? There are various different types of vegetable oil, which include: Corn Sunflower Canola Soybean Unlike more natural oils, which can be obtained by pressing, vegetable oils are obtained through a complex chemical process. This process involves heating seeds to high temperatures, processing with a petroleum solvent, adding acid, and using deodorising chemicals. Doesn’t sound that appealing, does it? It’s been shown that cooking with vegetable oils can release toxic chemicals which have been linked to cancer, heart disease and dementia.  Many vegetable oils contain large amounts of trans fats, which are linked to obesity and various diseases, including cardiovascular disease. They can also increase your risk of conditions like asthma and eczema. 

Late as usual

late as usual You know the scene. You have a meeting and you’re nearly ready. By your estimation, you have time to change your outfit a few times, iron your shirt, put the wash on, feed the cat, and eat breakfast. Then you look at the time, and you’re already five minutes late. There’s a huge dash for the door along with yelps of pejoratives and tripping over the cat. Time management can be a challenge for anyone, but some people (you know who you are!) have more of a problem with it than others. Hopefully, this little tip will help us all get to that meeting on time with every hair in place. The pressure of having to leave at a certain time can mean that we rebel. The thought that we ‘should’ be somewhere can lead part of us into not wanting to do it. In order to change your relationship with time, you’ll need to relax. To do this, simply estimate how long it might take for you to get ready. Here’s the clincher; make sure you don’t estimate the amount of time you might need on a good day. Estimate how long you’d need on a bad day to get ready. Be prepared for bad traffic, or an annoying Facebook notification, or the dishwasher flooding your apartment. Practice imagining yourself going through your morning with plenty of time and ease. It might not happen straight away, but if you visualize it enough times, rather than your inner voice saying ‘pfft, yeah, that will never happen’, it will begin to say ‘I like the sound of this’. Seeing a positive outcome means you will likely change your whole routine. Being able to see the real benefits of being on time allows you to feel more at ease with being on time, or even early!

Omens and birds

omens For many centuries, our ancestors looked to nature to bring them important information on their health, love, prosperity, and more. Many of our ancestors relied heavily on the messages that birds brought to them, including Native Americans, the Celts, and many more cultures. Why not use the same methods as our ancestors and listen to what nature has to say to us? In this article, we will learn how to look at birds as omens and signs and how to listen to the messages that they bring to us. We will examine the following birds and meanings: Birds as Omens Crows, ravens, and blackbirds bring news of good passage and protection. Hawks represent clear-sightedness and vision. Owls are birds of ill omen. When a hummingbird hovers nearby it means you are capable of achieving the impossible. A bird in the house means different things depending on the bird and its behavior. When a bird flies in the window you may encounter an obstacle in your life soon. If a bird follows you it wants to be your guardian. Augury is using the flight patterns of birds to answer life questions. Dead birds represent metaphysical death and change. Blackbird Misconceptions There is a misconception about black birds in much of Western society. Why is this? Is it simply because black birds are black and the color black seems to be associated with evil? Or is it due to many years of stereotyping the crow or blackbird to be a witch's familiar? Either way, the black bird omen seems to be one that sticks out in many people's minds when hearing the words "birds as omens". I have to disagree and state that this black bird omen being an ill omen is an incorrect thought. Even the Native American medicine man Bobby Lake Thom who wrote "Spirits of the Earth" states that the black bird always has a message to bring, and it usually is not an ill omen. While the crow or black bird can play the trickster, they are usually benevolent and bring news of good passage and protection. The black bird's reputation as a bad omen is not based in experience or fact. The video below is one that I took of a black bird (I believe it's a Raven, others tell me it's not) fighting off an attacking blue jay. I took this as a good sign and not a black bird omen. I had a great day and an even better week that week that I saw this huge black bird cross my path. I also immediately associated this black bird omen (albeit a good omen) with the god Bran and the goddess Maeve . . . two deities that had been trying to get my attention for quite some time. As much as I love and adore birds in the wild, is there such thing as a bird of ill omen? I absolutely hate admitting this fact, but I have to. I have personally experienced the owl as a bird of ill omen and read about this in medicine men's writings. That was quite difficult for me to admit, as I am a big fan of owls. I find them to be beautiful and majestic creatures. However, every time my owl familiar has shown up at my home, within a week one of my neighbors dies. So in my personal experience, the owl (no matter how lovely) is a bird of ill omen because it brings news of impending death. In Eastern Europe, if an owl lands on a person's roof, it is said to portend a death in the home. Some Native medicine men say that the owl can be work for evil forces to spy on you or perform other evil tasks. Another bird of ill omen, according to some Native American tribes, is the buzzard. While I have no personal experience with buzzards, many find that they bring news of blockages during travel and other aggravating circumstances. Is the buzzard a bird of ill omen to you? Or have they been a bird of protection? Messages can vary from individual to individual. What Does a Dead Bird Symbolize? If you've seen a dead bird in the road, or perhaps accidentally hit a bird, it may feel like a bad sign. It may actually be a good sign, showing you that an end to turmoil or pain is coming. A dead bird doesn't necessarily portend physical death, but metaphorical death. Perhaps you're going through the heartache of a break-up. Perhaps you are struggling to find a job. This dead bird marks the end to your search and struggle. A new beginning is just around the corner.

Importance of education -funny

Importance of Education in Society Education, if looked at beyond its conventional boundaries, forms the very essence of all our actions. What we do is what we know and have learned, either through instructions or through observation and assimilation. When we are not making an effort to learn, our mind is always processing new information or trying to analyze the similarities as well as the tiny nuances within the context which makes the topic stand out or seem different. If that is the case then the mind definitely holds the potential to learn more, however, it is us who stop ourselves from expanding the horizons of our knowledge with self-doubt or other social, emotional, or economic constraints. While most feel that education is a necessity, they tend to use it as a tool for reaching a specific target or personal mark, after which there is no further need to seek greater education. Nonetheless, the importance of education in society is indispensable and cohering, which is why society and knowledge cannot be ever separated into two distinct entities. Let us find out more about the role of education in society and how it affects our lives. Purpose of Education in Society Education is Self Empowerment Receiving a good education helps empower you, thus making you strong enough to look after yourself in any given situation. It keeps you aware of your given surrounding as well as the rules and regulations of the society you're living in. It's only through knowledge that you can be able to question authority for its negligence or discrepancies. It is only then that you can avail your rights as a citizen and seek improvement in the structural functioning of governance and economy. It's only when a citizen is aware about the policies of its government can he be able to support or protest the change. As a whole, people can bring about development only when they know where improvement is necessary for the greater good of mankind. Education helps you understand yourself better, it helps you realize your potential and qualities as a human being. It helps you to tap into latent talent, so that you may be able to sharpen your skills. Financial Stability and Dignity of Life Another importance of education is that it helps you gain sufficient academic qualification so that you are able to get suitable employment at a later stage. A decent employment would be combined with hard-earned remuneration or salary through which you can look after your personal expenses. While you earn for yourself, you gradually begin to realize the true worth of money and how hard it is to earn it. You realize the significance of saving for a rainy day and for unforeseeable contingencies. You feel empowered because there is a new sense of worth that develops within you, and you feel the need to be independent and free from any further financial support. You take pride in the fact that you are earning for yourself, and are not obligated to anyone. Growth in Personal Aspiration There also comes a phase when the amount you are earning presently will seem inadequate because your aspirations and expectations from yourself would have grown considerably. After this, you will want to change jobs so as to have a higher profile. However, here is when you need to be prepared. A promotion of this figure can occur in two given situations, which are, that either you have the necessary higher academic qualification or a college degree which allows you a safe passage, or that you have amassed enough practical experience which allows you to be a suitable candidate for the employment you seek. On the Job Efficiency This is why college education is very important after high school and must not be taken for granted. When faced with the option of choosing between a highly qualified candidate and a not so educated candidate, the employers will most probably go in for the qualified person. The reason being that, a qualified candidate will not require much investment of the employer's time and money. The organization need not teach him or her the tricks of the trade, or the various ways of functioning and performing the tasks of the workplace. On the contrary, a novice / amateur applicant would need to be taught everything from scratch, which many employer's are usually not willing to do. The same applies for people who seek higher education and get advanced diplomas while working. These people are continuously improving their profile and their knowledge base so as to go higher up on the competitive ladder. Helps Plan Ahead Those who have amassed enough education, steer the path of development and progress for their country. It is these individuals who go ahead and become teachers, scientists, inventors, welfare activists, soldiers, and politicians who work together to form the very backbone of the society. Without this pool of intellect, the economic and social framework would crumple and fall, paving its way for anarchy, degradation, and violence. While this intricate balance of growth is maintained, there will be a continuous rise in progress in all quarters of life, whether that be personal growth, or development of the nation as an entity. This progress has a very important role to play for the coming generations, which will reap the benefits of our hard work, as they develop it further. At the same time, the negative impact of our actions shall have its collateral damage on the coming generation as well. Which is why we must be exceptionally prudent about the decisions we make and the actions we take in the present. Job Seeker vs. Job Provider There will come a time, when you will no longer feel the need to be working as someone's mere employee. You would want to take charge and control over your own life and income. This is when you will decide to become a self-employed individual, who would like to watch his / her own ideas take realistic form. You would prefer being the one offering job opportunities to others and aid in providing income to them. At this stage of entrepreneurship, you may use your own expertise as well as that of other trained and skilled associates. As a team, you will find your business or venture expanding and yielding good results. You may even gain the confidence and insight, which will help you diversify and spread your expertise into other business arenas, which were previously unknown to you, or you were unsure about. This ability, comes with experience and knowledge amassed over the years. An Idle Mind is The Devil's Workshop Education and studying regularly, gives people of all age groups something substantial and challenging to do. It helps them think and use their idle hours, doing something productive and worthwhile. Education need not be purely academic and may include reading for leisure or as a passion for literature, philosophy, art, politics, economics, or even scientific research. There is no limit, to all that you can teach yourself, only if you take the interest to learn and grow as an individual. However, those who treat knowledge as trash, eventually find themselves getting absorbed with thoughts of violence, and jealously against those who are better off than themselves. It is people such as these who turn towards drug addiction, unnecessary rebellion, crime, and plain inactivity. Such people lack the self-esteem, that a good education often provides to its followers. Education plays its continuous role in all spheres of life. The reason being, that if we are aware of the drawbacks of a decision and we know about the possible contingencies and the collateral damage, our consequent actions would be wiser, which would help us to keep danger at bay at all times. By mohit gedar

Questions to ask

New relationships are always fun and exciting, full of life and an undying desire to get to know one another. Once you’ve been together for a little while, you become really comfortable with each other and little things, such as the need to ask each other questions, begin to die down a bit. Keep that spark going in your relationship! It’s totally necessary and shows that you are still interested in that “honeymoon” stage that is ultimately the beginning of a new relationship. Sometimes it’s just good to have a cute Q&A sesh, whether you’re really trying to get to know the boy on a more intimate level or are just trying to be cute with one another! If you are in need of some cute questions to ask your boyfriend, here’s a whole list! Cute and Romantic Questions 1.What does it feel like to you when we hold each other? 2 When did you first realize you loved / liked me? 3 What is your first thought in the morning when you wake up next to me? 4 If we got married someday, where would you want to take me on a honeymoon? 5 If I had to move really far, would you stay in a long distance relationship with me? 6 How do you feel when we’re apart? 7 Do you believe in love at first sight? 8  Do you believe in soulmates? 9 Do you think we’re soulmates? 10 Would you meet my parents? 11 Would you introduce me to your parents? 12 Would you shout my name to the world? 13 Everything happens for a reason—why do you think we met? 14 What was your very first impression of me when you first saw me? 15 What was your first impression of me when we actually met? 16 Do you remember the day we met? 17 What was the first thing that you noticed about me that made you feel attracted? 18 How would you describe our first kiss? 19 At what point did you decide that you wanted us to be “official?” 20 Is there a song that you think of when you think of me? 21 Why do you like / love me? 22 If I had to move away really far, would you come with me? Flirty Questions 1 How many times did you want to kiss me before our actual first kiss? 2 Do you like kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain more? 3 How would you describe the way I kiss? 4 What is your favorite physical feature of mine? 5 What do you see when you close your eyes kissing me? 6 Do you like to cuddle? 7 Would you rather hug for 5 seconds or kiss for 1 second? 8 Would you kiss me on the nose? 9 Would you kiss me on the forehead? 10 Would you hold my hand in public? 11Would you kiss me in public? 12 Do you like when I touch your face? 13 Where is your favorite place to be kissed? 14 Where is your favorite place to kiss me? 15 Where is your favorite place to be massaged? 16 Would you ever go skinny dipping with me? 17 Would you ever take a bath with me? 18 Would you kiss me on the wrist? 19 Would you kiss me on the neck? Cute Questions to Get Him Talking About You 1 If you could describe me with 3 words, what would they be? 2 What is your favorite pet name for me? 3 How would you describe the way I smell? 4 What's something I do, that I don't realize I do, that you love? 5 Is there anything you dislike about me? 6 What is a quirky thing about me that you love? 7 Would you ever write a song for me? 8 Would you ever write a poem about me? 9 Would you take a break from your favorite hobby to spend time with me? 10 Do you get butterflies when you read my notes? 11 Does it make you smile when I send you a text message? 12 Have you ever had a dream about me? 13 What is your favorite dream that involved me? 14 What is your favorite memory of me so far? 15 If I was really sad, what would you do to cheer me up? 16 If I looked completely different, would you still love me? 17 Would you risk your life to save mine? 18 Do I make you happy? 19 Do I make you want to reach your fullest potential? 20 Do I make you want a future with me? 21 Do you think I’m cute? 22 Do you think I’m pretty?  23 Do you think I look cute even when playing tomboy sports? 24 Would you take me out to see a chick flick? 25 If I was scared, would you hold me? 26 Do I look cute while working out? 27 If we are watching a scary movie, can I hide my eyes and cuddle you close? 28 Would you take my hand to dance, even if nobody else was on the dance floor? 29 What kind of flower would describe me? 30 Would you ever take me out on a picnic under the stars? 31If I was a dessert, what would I be and why? 32 Would you give me a piggyback ride if my feet hurt? 33 What outfit of mine do you like the most? Questions to Get Him Talking About Himself 1 When you’re alone, do you think about me? 2 Am I the kind of girl you’d take home to your parents? 3 Do you have any secrets you’d share with me? 4 Do you talk about me when you’re with your friends? 5 If your friends told you to dump me, how would you react? 6 Would it embarrass you if I called you a pet name in front of your friends? 7 If you caught another guy trying to pick me up, what would you do or say? 8 Has a sad movie ever made you cry? 9 What is your ideal date? 10 If you have a vision of the perfect date to take me on, what is it like? 11 Do you prefer that I make the first move? 12 Do you mean it when you say you love me? 13 Does it mean a lot to you when I say I love you? 14 Does it make you feel good when I tell you how cute you are? 15 What is your fondest childhood memory? 16 How old were you when you had your first kiss? 17 Do you prefer a date watching movies at home, snuggled up on the couch, or out at the movie theater? 18 If I were to make you breakfast, what would you want it to be? 19 If I were to cook you dinner, what would make you the happiest? 20 Would you ever dress up for no reason and just dance with me anywhere, even an empty parking lot? 21 How would you describe your family? 22 Do you think your family will like me too? 23 Would you enjoy a hot air balloon ride over a pretty terrain? 24 What would be your ideal vacation with me? 25 Do you let me win games? 26 If you didn’t win anything in a carnival game, would you try again? 27 Would you rather take me camping or on a tropical vacation? 28 Would you rather go on a road trip with me or with friends? 29 Would you ever take me on a trip with you and your friends? 30 What things do I do that make you blush? 31 Would you prefer to lay on a beach with me to get a tan or get playful in the water? 32 When was a time that you laughed the hardest? 33 What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? 34 What’s the craziest thing you’d do for me? 35 Is there anything that I’d be surprised to find in your bedroom? 36 Who’s your celebrity crush? 37 Who knows you the best? 38 What’s your best feature? 39 What’s your favorite piece of clothing? 40 How can you tell that you’re going to be friends with someone? 41 What’s your favorite thing about traveling? Deep Questions 1 Have you ever been in love before? 2What does love mean to you? 3 What does being together mean to you? 4 What do you want out of being together? 5 What do you like about us as a couple? 6 What do you want to change about us as a couple? 7 What’s something you’re afraid to tell me? 8 What is something you want to know about me? 9 What, to you, is the most important thing in life? 10 Do you have any regrets? 11 What’s something that you want to change about yourself? 12 What is something I can help you with? 13 What is your biggest fear? 14 How do you know you’re doing the right thing with your life? 15 Would you change anything about your life, if you could? 16 When was a time you were deeply hurt? 17 What was one of the best moments of your life? 18 Tell me about your (best friend, parents, siblings). What’s your relationship with them like? 19 When do you feel appreciated the most? 20  What are your dealbreakers? Random Fun Questions 1 If we were stranded on an island with no food, would you hunt to help us survive? 2 If there was only one cookie left, would you give it to me? 3 If there was only one cookie left, would you share it? 4 If you could feed me a dessert, what would you pick? 5 If I could be your passenger in any car or vehicle, what would it be? 6 Would you rather race me on a jet ski or have me on the back of yours? 7 What would the title of your autobiography be? 8 If you could have any kind of cake made for you in any size, shape, or color, what would it be? 9 You have three wishes from a genie. Go! 10 If you could go back in time, but only to last week, what moment would you visit and why? 11 Hotdog or hamburger? 12 Cookie dough or cookies? 13 Ice cream or milkshake? 14 Coffee or tea? 15 You can only wear one thing for the rest of your life. What do you choose? 16 If you could choose to be talented with words, music, or dance, what would you choose? 17 What celebrity most resembles me? 18 If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? 19 If money were no object, what would you have for breakfast every day? 20 Would you rather live in a cave or under the sea? 21 You just found five dollars on the ground. What do you do? 22 If you could throw anything against a brick wall, what would it be?

Eductional games for students

Educational Games for Students Educational games have always been important additions to the classroom. From games that aid in spelling and vocabulary, such as Hangman and Scrabble to games that help students learn how to think critically, like Brain Teasers to some games that help improve memory like those in which you flip cards over and try to remember where the matching card was placed, games have been an integral part of every child's educational experience. As a teacher, it is important to play games with your students to spark their interest for learning and allow your students to have a little fun in the midst of classroom work. Some might say this is not a beneficial practice to engage in with your students, but if the games you play are educational and fun, everyone benefits. These games can also be used as rewards and positive reinforcement for good behavior and good work in class. Apples to Apples Apples to Apples is an awesome card game produced by Mattel. This game is deceptively simple and really fun to play with groups of people, whether in class or at a party. With this game, there are two sets of cards: red apple cards and green apple cards. The red apple cards have nouns (person, place, thing, or idea) on them. These nouns are often famous people (like "Mel Gibson"), concepts (like "Feminism"), or extraordinary events (like "My High School Prom"). The green apple cards have adjectives (words that describe a noun) on them. The goal of the game is to match your red apple cards with the green apple card that is drawn. In each round, each player gets five red apple cards and a judge is appointed. That judge draws a green apple card and announces the word. Each player (the judge does not play) puts a red apple card down-face down so the judge cannot see - that pairs well with the word on the green apple card. The judge then decides who put the best word in, and that person gets the green apple card. Whoever has the most green apple cards at the end, wins. This game can get students thinking about word choice in literature and in their own writing, as well as what makes certain pairings sad or funny. Students will also learn new words by being exposed to things they are not necessarily familiar with. Hink Pink Hink Pink is a great brainteaser game made by Discovery Bay Games. In this game, there are cards that have riddles on them, and students need to think about the answer to the riddles in order to receive points. The answers to the riddles are always two words, and they always rhyme. They also always fall into one of three categories: Hink Pinks are two one-syllable words that rhyme, Hinky Pinkys are two two-syllable words that rhyme, and Hinkity Pinkitys are two three-syllable words that rhyme. If the teacher is calling out the riddles, he or she will tell the students if it is a Hink Pink, Hinky Pinky, or Hinkity Pinkity, then read the riddle. For example, the teacher might say: "Hink Pink: A chocolate connoisseur." Then, the students would answer "Fudge Judge." There are many worksheets and educational activities online that a quick internet search will give you. However, if you buy the game, there is also a timer that can be used with smaller groups. Using the cards alone, though, is a great way to get students involved when you have a few extra minutes at the end of class. By Buzzle Staff and Agencies

Online Learning Courses and Beyond

Online Learning Courses and Beyond The development of the World Wide Web has greatly influenced the way people live their lives, from doing daily errands like sending out mail to studying like going to the library for research. By using the World Wide Web, people can simply send mail or research about any topic they can imagine with just the click of a button in real-time. Perhaps one of the industries significantly affected by the development of the World Wide Web is Education. In recent years, the Internet has provided us with online education courses offering a variety of programs. The arrival of online training courses on the education scene was inevitable. As people's lives have become active with so many things to do, the convenience of distance education courses has made it possible for home learners and adults busy at work to take up a class during their spare time. With the continued development of technology, we can certainly expect better things for online education classes. What to Expect From Online Training Courses? 1. Better quality of course and content of online learning courses as the implementation of learning management systems for the assessment and evaluation of e-learners is expected. A learning management system can identify the best content for a particular student based on the student's measured abilities. The appropriate learning techniques are then employed thus propelling the student to success. Students can also look forward to additional course offerings. 2. Improved pedagogic strategies will lead to better and more effective instructional materials that are at par with the quality of those offered in higher education institutions. 3. More dynamic interaction between the instructor and the e-learner through the use of educational technology tools. The teacher can never be truly replaced by the online learning environment. However, with the aid of educational technology tools, students and teachers will be stimulated by real-time collaboration. 4. Flexible Learning Experience unlike in traditional classrooms and colleges online education classes are flexible in schedule handling. Having a fulltime day job is possible if enrolled in an online program. This method of learning gives students the power to choose their learning time according to preferred schedule. A blended learning environment could conceivably be the next frontier in online learning. The use of web 2.0 collaborative tools like social networking sites, wikis and blogs as well as video conferencing would be used in conjunction with eBooks that offer multimedia content. The delivery of content in multiple modalities would provide students the opportunity to engage with others in a flexible learning environment. Excellent, quality online education courses deliver top notch graduates. Distance education institutions provide online learning study equipping students with the best knowledge for better career opportunity and advancement. by:Mohit Gedar

How To Do Good In School ?

Eight Tips On How To Do Good In School Below the average, average people and super genius mega minds...nah, it's not about that, well yeah, a part of success is about that but, one still has a long way to go before having the time of his life. And everything starts at home...after that it's school so let's get down to business. Here are eight tips on how to do good in school. 1. Jot 'Em Down This step is somewhat a must. However, if you consider yourself a super computer robot, you can skip number one and get down to number're still reading so you don't think that you're a mega mind. That's good because it's never great to be too confident with yourself. Number one is writing them all down. It never hurts to write all of the things you need to do. Write them in a small notebook, a tickler or something, or jot them down in a piece of paper and post it on your refrigerator door or on your own bulletin if you have one. And don't forget to write when you need to do or accomplish these things or in other words, your deadlines. 2. Prioritize Imagine that you're a juggler. Now, you're juggling balls. These balls are made of various materials. Rubber, plastic, glass, and crystals. The balls that you're juggling got too many and you can't handle them all. Some balls MUST fall or the whole act will be a disaster. And that's when the word "prioritize" comes in. You have to let the rubber balls fall. Why? Because if you don't do this, say you refuse to let a ball or two fall, they'll all slip out of your hands. If you let the wrong ball fall, well, you're a wreck. That's why you have to set your priorities. Which in your to-do list is the most important and which things can be left out or can be given little attention. 3. Get To Work Don't just get stuck with listing and prioritizing. Do them of course. Sometimes people tend to get discouraged when they look at the things they need to do and find that they're just so many! Well, nothing's gonna happen if you just sit around, stare at the things you got to do and think how much energy you need to exert to finish all those. Get on your feet. You'll be done without even knowing it. 4. Study Habits I'm pretty sure this is not new to you. Nevertheless, it's still very important, maybe the most important, so you can't just set this aside. Study your lessons everyday for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour. This prevents cramming during exam weeks which you know isn't very helpful. And don't make your hectic schedule an excuse for not studying. Remember, if there's a will, there's a way. 5. Be A "Neat Freak" I know this is hard have to be organized. This may be the hardest part of being a student and at the same time of being a kid or a teenager. Because they're very restless and energetic and tend to just pile things up. But if you already did number one and number two, you're already started in being an organized person! Give everything a proper place. Put your books and notebooks in one corner or a suitable place. Compile your test papers, certificates and other paper works from school. Place them in a folder, clear book, an envelope or a file case. You'll never know when you'll need them. Other materials which are reusable like envelopes, folders, colored papers and a lot more, keep them all together, may be in a case or a shoebox, it's up to you. Colors, pencils, paper clips and other materials of the same kind, separate them also, it's still up to you as long as it's organized. Educational materials, if you have, it's good to compile them too. Maybe you're asking, why do I need to do all these? When your things and surroundings are organized, you tend to think clear. That's why organized people have organized minds. Lastly, the night before going to school, put everything you'll be needing for school inside your bag. Get your uniform or whatever it is that you're wearing for school ready. And don't forget to set your alarm clock. 6. Go For The Extra Mile You don't just do things for compliance. You don't want to waste your efforts. Since you started to do things, give them your best shot. Do your best and that will be enough to go for the extra mile. You'll never know when an opportunity comes so always give it your all. 7. Be Humble Now that you're a step ahead of your peers, don't be over confident, like the one stated at the first number. Don't be conceited because you didn't accomplish everything on your own. The higher you get, the harder you'll fall so always keep your feet on the ground. And being humble also gains you great friends. 8. Just Keep Going You did it for the first time, you got to do it for the second, third, fourth, and so on...time. Be consistent for this will be the foundation of your success. Don't stop until you reach your goal. And when you reach your goal, reward yourself then look again for another goal. And when failure finds its way through your efforts, keep moving forward. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Just keep going.   ARTICLE by- Mohit Gedar


RES as a platform

I have written an article on as a platform through my expiriences during my live project opportunity with the platform. I have gathered my thoughts about the platform and have given a shape on article to it. Do read and share your views too. 

Case Submission - Competition

Case Submission - Competition

Hate your job,see what you can do.

Hate Your Job But Don't Know What to Do? Check This to Make up Your Mind Do mornings bring with them a sense of impending doom? Do you often lie in bed sleepless, hating your life and yourself? And would your rather have your teeth pulled out, one by one, sans any anesthesia rather than going to work? If a really stressed yes is your answer, then it’s pretty clear that you hate your job and would go through anything to be able to send in a scathing resignation letter. The thing is, practically speaking, most of us don’t have the wherewithal to be able to simply quit a job we hate, for there are bills to be paid. So what to do when you hate your job? Why is it so hard to quit, and even harder to stay? Moaning and groaning about your job on an everyday basis is not only making you miserable but also irritating everyone around you. And telling yourself that sticking to a known devil rather than trying out an unknown one is better is bad philosophy. If you hate your job, you are probably not going to be very good at it in any case, and are setting yourself up for a big fall later; and frankly if it is getting unbearable – you need to find a way out, pronto!1. That said, the five most common reasons people keep doing the jobs they hate are listed below, and they are pretty understandable too. Fear of testing new waters One of the main reasons people keep sticking to the jobs they hate, and probably end up hating themselves while they are hard at work is the fear of unknown waters. This is particularly true for people nearing retirement or women getting back to work after a maternity leave, or even employees who have stagnated in the company or at the same position for too long. Monetary concerns Yep, the cost of living, unpaid bills and rising debts can put the fear of God into anyone! Your rather rickety financial situation will be worsened with unemployment and so this is one reason people stay put in the jobs they hate, unable to see a way out, at least immediately. A lull in the job market Sometimes you stay in the job you hate simply because there seems to be a dearth of good jobs in any case. Your regular scouring of classifieds and job sites simply tells you that leaving now means you might end up unemployed for a bit Being miserable is okay So you hate your job. So what. There are so many people in the world who would shrug and say “what to do when you hate your job”? Its part and parcel of life, you don’t have to like what you do – and somewhere this homily has taken root in you. And if this job is giving your family a good life, then it is well worth the sacrifice, no? Is it, truly? All jobs are the same And the final excuse, somehow you think that all the jobs in the world are bad and would probably end up making you miserable one way or another. Bad bosses, jealous colleagues and a workload that feels like the entire world’s weight – all jobs are like that, only … well, they aren’t.